Recently I heard that Arc from The Browser Company got Windows support with tab sync, so I decided to give it another try! It’s super convenient being able to switch between Windows and Mac and have the same tabs! It’s nice not having to jump through hoops to send links anymore because the tab is already there!

After that I did some research to learn about the best way to use Arc, and I learned that you’re supposed to find some web apps you like and pin them to the top of your sidebar. This got me thinking about Apple Notes! It’s really convenient from my Mac and iPhone, but it’s really annoying to use in Windows! I have to log into the website and then sit through the Advanced Data Protection delay every time!

So then I started looking into note taking apps and found Workflowy! It looks really cool! I like how the idea is that the entire app is just a huge bullet point list, and all of your notes are just zoomed in views of part of the list! Workflowy Basics has some really nice gifs that explain this better than I can! Workflowy is entirely browser based, so it fit into Arc really well.

…so then I decided to try Obsidian! I was about to tell my friend about Workflowy when I remembered that they told me about Obsidian a long time ago, but I had never seriously looked into it because I was happy with Apple Notes at the time. I was really surprised when I discovered that their underlying storage mechanism was just… a folder of plain text markdown files!

I was kind of frustrated with Apple Notes because it only offers PDF note exports, and a bit concerned about Workflowy storing all my notes on the cloud when it’s not even a big company like Apple, so the idea of just having my notes in a folder was pretty appealing to me! In fact, it worked out really well because sometimes I need to take notes about VRChat stuff, so I’ve been taking notes too with Sublime Text and… a folder of plain text markdown files!

So I guess I already have an Obsidian vault! Now I’m going to try an app that was specifically designed for it! ✏️

My original plan was to make this my creativity blog, but I haven’t been sketching much lately. I’m still interested in learning how to draw, but I haven’t had the motivation. It might be time to expand my scope and blog about some other hobbies! ✏️

Things have been a bit different since I first joined! X seems to have settled down a bit, and I’ve mostly tamed my algorithm, so I’m using it more actively again. I’ve also started retweeting things and trying to be more social there! So it might be time to start writing longer posts about my hobbies? Or maybe this will be my last post! Hopefully not!

Lately I’ve been playing video games and watching anime with my new Apple Vision Pro. It’s been a while since I did either of those things, so it’s nice to revisit some of my past hobbies. It seems that Crunchyroll and Funimation merged recently, which is nice for increasing the amount of shows I can watch, but there’s still too much stuff I want to watch that’s on other services! I don’t really want to subscribe to Netflix or some other service just to be able to watch a couple more things. At least there’s still a couple of nice things to watch on Crunchyroll! I’ve been enjoying Frieren and ’Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess!

One of the reasons I wanted to learn how to draw was to have cute pictures of myself, but it takes a lot of effort to get better! I’m more exhausted from work lately so I’ve started seeing more value in just relaxing during my downtime. So last year I put together a reference sheet and started requesting artwork on Skeb! It’s great! I get to see a lot of cute pictures of myself that look much better than what I could do and also support artists I like at the same time!

I made an ice cream! Just a few days ago, I tweeted that I didn’t have much time to be creative, but a three day weekend happened! I got Substance Painter a while ago but never tried it, so I decided that this was my chance to model and paint something! It was challenging but I learned a lot! 🎮

Rue holding an ice cream up and making a peace sign (or attempting to). As this is VR, she is doing this in a way that makes the ice cream float in front of her hand, meaning that no part of the ice cream is occluded. The ice cream is shaped like a popsicle and has two layers. Both layers are pink, but the outer layer has some white icing coiled around it. The popsicle stick says, “Yum!"A screenshot of the modeling program Blender showing the ice cream from the VRChat photo. It is in wireframe mode, and you can see that some of the edges are colored red.A screenshot of the ice cream from the VRChat photo in Substance Painter. The textures of the ice cream are easier to see in this screenshot.

Happy New Year! I’ve been taking a break from sketching (I still sketch a little every day), so I haven’t posted much! I wanted to do something for the new year though! 🎨

I’ve been spending a lot of time playing games lately, so this was just a quick sketch.

Rue holding a flag that says 2024.

Today’s theme was “scornful eyes.” 🎨

I didn’t really feel like sketching today, especially with the prompt being kinda mean sounding, but I ended up trying it out anyway. I think I managed to channel some of that “scornful energy” in!

My sketch for today’s pixiv theme of #ジト目. It’s me doing a kinda sideways stare at the viewer! The sketch itself is a bit lazy and unrefined because I didn’t really feel like sketching today.

It’s much later than usual today so I just did a quick sketch! 🎨

This time was a bit interesting! Google Translate wouldn’t translate the theme at all, so I had to look for the tag on Pixiv to figure out that the theme was straight fringe!

My sketch for today’s Pixiv theme of #ぱっつん. It’s me peeking from the corner!

Today’s “tongue out” theme was a bit tricky because I don’t stick my tongue out that much—why stick your tongue out when you can just smile? It was hard to make it look like me, but I managed! 🎨

Now that I think about it, I drew a similar sketch a while back~ I wonder if I improved?

My sketch for today’s #舌出し pixiv theme! It’s me in a backless sweater, looking back and sticking my tongue out! I’m looking super embarrassed and sweating a bit!

Today’s theme was orange! I think that’s orange as in the color, not the fruit. 🎨

…which is kinda weird to sketch! All my sketches are purple! In the end I decided to just do a normal purple sketch and add a splash of orange to it instead.

My pixiv sketch for today’s theme of #オレンジ色. It’s be being splashed by orange juice! Or something like that.

I sketched again today! Today’s theme was hair ornament, and I wanted to do something quick, so I just put a flower in my hair~ 🎨

My sketch for today’s Pixiv theme of #髪飾り! It’s me with a flower in my hair.

I haven’t posted much lately! Other than spending too much time playing games, I’ve also been in a creative slump.

I’ve been trying to sketch something to use for my Contact Poster once iOS 17 comes out, but it really hasn’t been going well! I’m not very happy with it. 🎨

A bad work-in-progress sketch of myself in Procreate.

I’m on vacation today so I had a chance to do some extra sketching! I was on vacation yesterday as well, but I ended up spending my time making adjustments to my status script. I wasn’t really in the mood to sketch today either, so I ended up doing something quick! Today’s theme was cow! 🎨

My sketch for today’s pixiv今日のお題-sensei theme of #牛. It’s me in a cow bikini and making a O_O face! It’s a more rough sketch today, so it looks a bit unpolished and rushed.

I replaced my website’s background image with a new sketch! 🎨

It was out of date after I decided a bigger chest fits me better, so I took my bunny sketch and polished it up slightly!

I think it’s just as cute as my old background! It’s a little less relaxed and a bit more “energetic” though~

A screenshot of Safari displaying my website,! The background is purple, and the purple extends all the way to Safari’s toolbar. Basically, the whole window is just a nice, flat purple. The text on the page includes an introduction and some links—you can read the contents on In the background on the right side of the window is a dimmed sketch of me in a bunny outfit, complete with bunny ears. I have elf ears, short hair with side tails, and a large chest. The sketch isn’t that good, but you can still make out the features. I’m doing peace signs with both my hands and smiling. The bunny outfit seems to be transparent down the middle, through which you can see my clevage and belly button. I’m wearing a rue flower on my detached collar. A safety pin attached a heart shaped name tag to my chest. It reads Rue and has a picture of a rue flower. There’s a band on my left thigh that’s squishing my leg a little.

I sketched a straw hat today! 🎨

I spent a really long time on this—I think it might have been because I got a bit distracted today. I usually watch a YouTube video while I’m sketching, and today I decided to watch the VRChat Community Meetup event stream~

I think it turned out okay though!

My pixiv今日のお題-sensei sketch of today’s #麦わら帽子 theme! It’s me in a straw hat! I’m holding it on one side! And I’m wearing a dress! I tried to make my hair a little more “flowy” this time but it didn’t really work out.

I’m pretty happy with my new hair! 🎮

I tried my best to make it float like my old hair, and from what my friends say, it sounds like I did a pretty good job even though it’s shorter~ And it’s nice not having to worry about my hair clipping or floating into someone’s face now!

A selfie I took in VRChat! I have my new short hair, and my side-tail is floating a little bit! I’m standing in front of a mirror, so you can see my back as well. With shorter hair, my hair stays closer to my head, so it doesn’t take up as much space anymore!

My sketch today is a little more rough than my usual sketches because I was feeling a little low motivation today. 🎨

It took me a bit to decide how to draw the rolled up sleeves theme. I think my idea to sketch myself rolling up my sleeves to sketch worked out pretty well!

My sketch for today’s  #腕まくり theme from pixiv今日のお題-sensei. It’s me sketching with my sleeves rolled up! It’s a pretty rough, more “sketchy” sketch, so it leaves a bit more to imagination and interpretation with course lines and messy areas.

I have 25 followers on Mastodon, so I did a quick 36 minute sketch to celebrate! 🎨

Hmm, maybe it would’ve been more fun to do a 25 minute sketch. I think I was still struggling with the clothes at that point though!

It’s me celebrating 25 followers on Mastodon! I’m wearing a crop top with Prami on the front and a bikini bottom with the mastodon logo on it.

I was browsing Booth because I wanted to update my look in VRChat to match my new Rue look, and I bought a new hairstyle! 🎮

It’ll take me a while to optimize (it has 98 bones and 10k tris) so I’ll still have my default Selestia long hair for a bit longer, but I’m excited by how cute it looks!

A screenshot of Blender showing my VRChat avatar. My long hair has been replaced with cute short hair! The hair has not been integrated with my avatar yet, and the scene statistics have lots of big numbers, so it’s clear that I’ve only loaded the hair in—there’s still more work to be done before I can actually upload this to VRChat!

I couldn’t sketch yesterday because of a bad headache, so I was glad today’s theme was something cute like bunny! 🎨

I think my favorite thing about anime girls in bunny outfits is the little shiny folds artists shade onto their outfits! So I tried to put some folds into my sketch~

A sketch of me in a bunnysuit! I did this for today’s pixiv今日のお題-sensei theme of バニー. This time I sketched a larger chest version of me! It would look a little weird for me to be wearing a bunnysuit with a flat chest…

I sketched my friend! They’ve been putting my sketches on their t-shirt in VRChat, so I thought it would be fun to do a sketch of them! 🎨

A sketch of my friend’s VRChat avatar. My friend has cat ears and usually wears a t-shirt with a graphic on it. For this sketch, I copied the whole sketch and pasted it on the t-shirt.

I sketched a larger chest version of my self sketch to see which I like better~ 🎨

This all started when I decided I didn’t want to switch avatars in VRChat. I think I look pretty cute there! And that’s when I started doubting the character design changes I made when I changed my name…

My first Rue sketch, but touched up a little and with a larger chest! I’m still doing the same pose as before with a slight smile and a slightly tilted head, and my arms together in front of me. Since I have a larger chest in this sketch, it’s squished a little this time.